Blog » Birds
I've been looking at so many flower photos the past couple months and although I LOVE them, I need a bit of a break.'s a new bird on wire print. If you follow my work, you know it's pretty rare for me to tone down the color in an image this much but once in a while some subdued, neutral tones are a nice change.
I'm totally drawing a blank for a clever title on this one...any ideas?? I'd love to hear them! Feel free to share your idea in the comments here or on my Facebook page. For now I'm just calling this print "On a Wire" on my Etsy shop but I really want to change it.
Thanks, can't wait to hear your ideas!
Carolyn :)
UPDATE: I decided on "Music Notes" for the title of this print because the birds on the wires really remind me of music notes! My family is pretty musical so I'm used to seeing piano song music. :)
As some of you may recall from one of my posts back in December, I put a bird feeder in my back yard with the intent on taking some bid pics. It's definitely harder than I thought it would be...the birds fly in and out so fast it's been tough capturing them. Luckily, I caught this cute little Tufted Tiftmouse bird while he sat for a minute on the top of one of my feeders.
What I would LOVE to capture is a shot of a red cardinal in the snow. We've had some snow here lately and when I see the red cardinals out there, it looks like a greeting card or pretty. If I ever get lucky enough to get that shot, I'll definitely be posting it here. (fingers crossed)
This new bird print is available on my shop, "Tufted Titmouse"
Carolyn :)

I've always loved taking pictures of birds but most of my bird photos are taken from a distance...usually birds flying in the sky, birds sitting in trees and my all-time favorite, birds on wires. Well, I'm in need of a new challenge so my latest thing on my "shooting-to-do-list" is to get some good pictures of birds up-close. To start my new venture, I bought a couple bird feeders last week and have them set up in our backyard. I already have the cutest birds visiting me every day gobbling up the yummy seed mix I'm putting out for them. (yay!) I've been seeing Chickadees, Tufted Tiftmouses, Finches, Juncos, a Red-Headed Woodpecker, and my favorite...Cardinals.
It's so much fun to watch the birds swoop down to my feeder from our trees each day to grab some seed. The NOT so fun part has been watching the squirrels jump on my feeder and eat my seed! (those dummies) I don't mind if they eat it on the ground below but I only want the cute birdies on my feeder. The squirrels have been climbing right up the pole that I hang my feeders from and munch away. :( To solve this problem, I ordered a new squirrel-proof pole online the other day that apparently will prevent the squirrels from climbing the pole. I'm (impatiently) waiting for it to arrive at my door so I can set it up.
This photo above is my first attempt of a bird on one of my feeders. This little guy is a Chickadee, aren't they cute? I took this with my awesome 70-200 mm lens. (my new "go-to" lens) The bird feeder is in our yard about 10 feet from our sliding back door. I put the feeder there so I can hide in the kitchen with my camera and take pics while the door is cracked open. I was zoomed all the way in for this shot and still didn't get as close as I wanted to. My goal is to get more detailed shots of their faces. When my new pole arrives, I'm going to move the feeders even closer to the house in hopes to get tighter shots of my new feathered friends. I'm having so much fun! I feel like I have a new form of entertainment at home while I'm working. :)
As some of you might remember, I asked you for some title help a couple weeks ago for a new bird print. I was having some writer's block and reached out to my wonderful fans for some inspiration. You gave me such awesome, fitting ideas for a title, I decided I should do this more often when writer's block hits. Well, guess what? It's hit me again. :) This time I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on a title idea for this new print. Anything creative coming to mind? Feel free to leave a comment here.
Can you believe the large amount of seagulls in this scene? I couldn't believe my eyes while shooting photos on the beach one day, I had never seen so many gulls together like this!
I'm really looking forward to hearing your ideas.
Thanks in advance!
Carolyn :)
Here's a brand new pic, "Beach Bum," of a seagull that was walking toward me on my latest trip to the beach. I love seagulls and I always have but I'm wondering if other people do. lol. Do you think of relaxing, peaceful days spent on the beach when you see or think of a seagull or do you think they're just a nuisance? Over the years while chilling on the beach, I've seen seagulls steal people's snacks (and my own!) but I still love them anyway. When I hear the sound of a seagull, it makes me think of the shore and how much I love it. What do you think? 'em or hate 'em?
This beach print is available on my shop here..."Beach Bum"
Carolyn :)