Pink Bird Nursery Photography by

I'm so excited about this new picture.  I took this one last Spring but once again, didn't get around to editing it until recently.  I love the beautiful draping blossoms of this tree.  As soon as I saw the birdie on the curved branch, I thought it looked so picturesque.  Hope you enjoy!

This print is now available on my shop here..."Little Dreamer"

Carolyn  :)


Aqua Bird on Wire Photography by

I can't get enough of bird on wire photographs.  I don't know what it is about them that tickle my fancy.  Maybe it's the fact that they look like they're having a meeting up there on the wires, talking about some real important bird issues.  I also like to think they're watching us from up there going through our hectic lives while they're sitting up there relaxing.  They probably think we all need to slow down a bit.  Whatever the reason, I can't stop clicking that shutter button when I see them.

This print is now available on my shop here..."Perched"

Have a great weekend!

Carolyn  :)


Bird in Tree Photograph by

Here's a brand new bird photograph.  I saw this little guy perched at the top of my neighbors tree recently and ran outside with my camera to capture it.  I just thought it was cool the way he was at the very top of the tree.  What a view he must have from up there!  

Have a great weekend!

Carolyn  :)


Mint Birds on Wire Photography by

Talk about a good day with my camera.  I was out and about with my mom and nephew and had just finished taking a ton of pics in a local park.  We drove through an intersection and I spotted a TON of birds on telephone wires.  I hopped out of the car and snapped away.  I wish I had a wider lens on my camera at the time because there were a lot more birds than this!  I'm a sucker for "bird on wire" shots, I think it looks so cool.  I imagine the birds having a big meeting up there.  :)

Have a great day!


This print is now available on my shop here..."Birds of a Feather"


Seagull Flying Photograph by

I took this photo a few weeks ago while visiting the Atlantic ocean with my family.  I know my images are usually full of color but this time I felt like dulling it down a little.  Hope this brings you a nice feeling of calm today.  

Carolyn  :)